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PRESS BLAST: Join Us for a Captivating Conversation: Retelling Mythology with Vaishnavi Patel

Join Us for a Captivating Conversation: Retelling Mythology with Vaishnavi Patel

Date: July 11th, 2024
Time: 7:00 PM ET

Hindus for Human Rights (HfHR) is thrilled to announce a special event featuring a conversation with acclaimed author Vaishnavi Patel, whose works have captivated readers worldwide. Join HfHR’s Thrisha Mohan in an engaging discussion with Patel about her latest book, Goddess of the River. This reimagining of the Mahabharata, seen through the eyes of Ganga, the river goddess, offers a fresh and re-centered perspective on this epic tale.

Event Highlights:

  • Explore how mythological retellings can reshape our understanding of cultural narratives.

  • Discover the powerful themes and contemporary relevance of Goddess of the River.

  • Gain insights into New York Times bestselling author Vaishnavi Patel's creative process and the inspiration behind her work.

Special Feature: In addition to the event, read Thrisha Mohan’s article on American Kahani, where she delves deeper into the themes of Goddess of the River and its significance in today's world. Read the article here.

Register Now:
Secure your spot for this enlightening conversation by registering at https://tinyurl.com/PatelRiverGoddess.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to dive into the world of mythological retellings and their impact on our cultural understanding. We look forward to seeing you there!