A Prayer for Father Stan Swamy


We celebrate the life and courage and mourn the death of Father Stan Swamy, age 84, Jesuit priest and lifelong advocate for Adivasi rights. Father Stan had Parkinson’s disease and had contracted Covid-19 in prison. Father Stan was the victim of the cruel Indian government who arrested him on spurious charges and refused to release him or give bail in spite of deteriorating health.

Since Father Stan died gasping for breath, we take solace in the fact that all that dies is dissolved into praana, breath, life force. And let us imbibe that same praana, life force, and let it infuse our continued struggle for justice.

praano ha pitaa
praano maataa
praano bhraataa
praanah svasaa
praana aachaarya
praano braahmaana
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti

The Praana is the Father,
The Praana is the Mother,
The Praana is the Brother,
The Praana is the Sister,
The Praana is the Teacher,
The Praana is the Brahman.
Om Peace, Peace, Peace
~ Chandogya Upanishad :7:15:1


For Immediate Release: “Light, Hope, Love,” a multi-faith vigil to celebrate the life of Father Stan Swamy; and Vigil for Father Stan at JNU


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