Hindus for Human Rights Condemns California Governor Gavin Newsom’s Veto of SB403

Hindus for Human Rights strongly condemns California Governor Gavin Newsom’s unconscionable decision to veto SB403, a historic bill that would have made California the first state in the country to ban caste discrimination. “As Hindus whose fundamental belief in the inherent divinity and equality of every person compels us to firmly reject caste in all its forms, we are shocked and disappointed by Governor Newsom’s shameful betrayal of marginalized communities,” said Sunita Viswanath, Executive Director of Hindus for Human Rights.

In his decision to veto the bill, which was passed with overwhelming majorities by both houses of the California Legislature, Newsom claimed that people experiencing caste discrimination can seek justice through existing protected categories. This is false. As those who have  faced caste discrimination in the United States have shown time and time, existing civil rights law makes it arduous  for those who experience caste discrimination to seek justice. 

The opposition to SB403 was spearheaded by organizations such as the Hindu American Foundation (HAF), the Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America (VHP-A), and the Coalition of Hindus of North America (CoHNA), all of which have deeply concerning ties to far-right Hindu supremacist politics both in India and abroad. These groups, purporting to represent the entire Hindu American community, have argued that a ban on caste discrimination would unfairly and illegally single out all Hindus for discriminatory selective enforcement. As Hindus, we find this argument to be deeply insulting. SB403 would have improved the lives of many Hindu Americans, who are directly affected by casteism, and it is an insult to the values of our faith tradition to claim that it must be safeguarded from justice or accountability. Moreover, this argument is categorically false, as evidenced by the recent successful campaign to pass caste protections in the city of Fresno. In addition to Sikh Americans, this campaign was led in large part by Oaxacan Americans, who face caste discrimination to this day as part of the casta system which was brought to Mexico by the Spanish.

We regret that Governor Newsom chose to listen to a vocal minority of far-right groups rather than major national civil rights organizations like the Ambedkar International Center, the Ambedkar-King Study Circle, Equality Labs, Hindus for Human Rights, Indian American Muslim Council, Sikh American Legal Defense Fund, and Sikh Coalition. Most of all, however, we are appalled that the Governor refused to listen to the Californians who have personally experienced caste discrimination, and who led the diverse coalition of South Asian Americans, allies, civil rights groups, and legislators supporting SB403.

While Governor Newsom may have been the latest stumbling block in the fight to annihilate caste, we will continue to move forward. We are reminded today of Dr. Martin Luther King, who said that “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice,” and also of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, who said that “with justice on our side, I cannot see how we can lose our battle.” In this fight, too, justice will prevail.


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