Hindus for Human Rights (HfHR) Condemns the Mob Violence at Nankana Sahib Gurdwara in Pakistan.
Nankana Sahib Gurdwara, Pakistan
By Raju Rajagopal, Co-founder Hindus for Human Rights USA
We are saddened to hear of mob violence directed against the birth place of Guru Nanak in Pakistan and against Sikh pilgrims gathered at the shrine. We also strongly condemn the menacing rhetoric from the mobs as reported by some news outlets. From all accounts, the mobs resulted from accusations and counter-accusations related to a Sikh woman marrying a Muslim man, but as always such incidents can easily go out of control especially when directed against religious minorities, often fuelled by outsiders. We are pleased to note from some news outlets that peace now prevails and that the shrine itself appears unaffected. As we are not a position to personally vouch for what happened, we bring stories from three news outlets.
Hindus for Human Rights (HfHR) has pledged to raise our voices in support of human rights of all communities in India, United States, and beyond. Speaking up for Pakistan’s minorities, as we did when we condemned the attack on a temple in the Sind sometimes back, and now against the Sikh shrine, is part of our calling.
Interestingly, only a few weeks back, hundreds of Indian Sikhs made a historic pilgrimage to Kartarpur, the holiest shrine for Sikhs founded by Guru Nanak. Many of them came back with a deep sense of gratitude for the Pakistani government for taking good care of their places of worship and for being genial hosts during the pilgrimage. They were equally grateful to the Indian government for negotiating for this pilgrimage. My family friends were part of the pilgrimage, and they said that the trip had opened their eyes to Pakistan and its people, and they could not help but wonder for a moment if they themselves had been taken in over the years by the relentless anti-Pakistan bias in India.
Unfortunately, the latest violence in Pakistan only plays into the rhetoric of Prime Minister Modi, who just yesterday was once again using Pakistan as a foil to criticize protesters against the CAA and NRC, who have nothing whatsoever to do with Pakistan and who are exercising their rights under the Indian Constitution. It is a great irony that authorities in Delhi and states like U.P are arresting scores of people and beating up protesters accusing them of creating distrust, when the real seeds of distrust are being sown everyday by the very same politicians.