Hindus for Human Rights

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International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

The International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, observed every year on November 29, has its origins in a 1977 UN declaration. This particular date was chosen because it marks the anniversary of a significant 1947 event concerning the partition of Palestine. The day is a symbol of the international community's acknowledgment and support for the rights of the Palestinian people.

In 2005, the UN emphasized the importance of this day, encouraging the organization of cultural events and exhibits that highlight Palestinian rights. This day is not just about remembrance; it's about nations worldwide showing their support and spreading awareness of the Palestinian struggle for rights and recognition.

Exhibition at the UN in NYC: "Palestine: A Land with a People"

An impactful exhibition, "Palestine: A Land with a People," will be on display at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from November 29, 2023, to January 8, 2024. Launching on the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, this exhibition takes a deep dive into the Palestinian Nakba – a period of profound upheaval and displacement during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war.

Through an array of photographs, videos, and art, the exhibit tells the story of the Palestinian people's journey before, during, and after the Nakba. It reminds us of the continued plight of nearly 6 million Palestinians who remain refugees, and it brings into focus the recent tragedies, like the 2023 Gaza war. This exhibition at the UN is a powerful reminder of the ongoing challenges faced by the Palestinian people and an invitation to the world to stand in solidarity with them.

Spare a tear for the Gazan children killed.

We share in the joy of Israelis reunited with their families.
We share in the joy of Palestinians reunited with their loved ones.
We hope and pray that the ceasefire will continue indefinitely.
But, can we also summon the humanity in us
to shed a tear for the 3600 Gazan children murdered,
and to proclaim that
there will be never be peace until the world sees
Israeli and Palestinian lives as equally precious.

—Raju Rajagopalan, co-founder HfHR

Social Media Toolkit from The BDS Movement

Click on the image to get the Social Media Toolkit from the BDS Movement