Maithreem Bhajatha – A Song for Lokasangraha (Universal Common Good)
Bharat Ratna Srimati M.S. Subbulakshmi ending her historic 1966 U.N. concert with Maithreem Bhajatha
“Cultivate Friendship and Humanity. Look upon others as similar to yourself. Forego unrightful aggression.” -- Jagadguru Shri Chandrasekharendra Saraswati Swamigal
In the congressional briefing yesterday on the latest USCIRF Report on India, Hindus for Human Rights urged everyone to distinguish between Hinduism and Hindutva. In our view, “Hindu Rashtra” is not a political formulation, but a state of mind that embraces inclusiveness and tolerance. In contrast, the “Hindutva Rashtra” that the RSS and its affiliates are clearly striving for, is a violent, authoritarian, and intolerant majoritarian state.
Even as we were having that conversation, we received this wonderful video of 47 Carnatic musicians rendering Maithreem Bhajatha, a composition of the Kanchi Shankaracharya, made popular by the lovable Srimati M.S. Subbulakshmi in 1966 on the occasion of the United Nations in New York.
Please pay close attention to the sub-titles which speaks for what a true “Hindu Rashtra,” if there were one, might actually look like, and how far off the mark are the ruling class of today with their march towards their destructive “Hindutva Rashtra.”
Kanchi “Periyavar,” as he was often referred to, was one of the most knowledgeable religious leaders of our times, with a thirst for understanding world affairs. During his time he met with peoples of all cultures and faiths, including atheists, in a spirit of understanding their viewpoints. Were he alive today, HfHR would surely have taken strong exception to his views on varnashrama and women’s role in society. But unlike many religious leaders of today, he would have accepted the challenge to listen and to debate.
Here is a rendering of Maithreem Bhajatha by our very own Advisory Member, T.M. Krishna.
The Vision of Hindus for Human Rights is “lokasangraha (universal common good) - a world where there is peace among all people, and our planet is honored and protected.”