MOOD India: Reflections on Independence and Freedom in 2024

As we mark another year of India’s independence this month, it's essential to pause and reflect on what freedom truly means in 2024.

In our ongoing series - MOOD India - we share “person on the street” interviews that focus on the the voices of everyday people (although aren’t we are all everyday people) , capturing their reflections on what independence and freedom mean to them today — and what the challenges to both are. This small but powerful moment of video in our Independence Day matreial offers a glimpse into the mood of the nation—a mood that is as complex and diverse as the country itself.

We hear from individuals across different walks of life, sharing their thoughts on the current state of freedom and independencein India. Their words echo the aspirations, concerns, and hopes that many of us carry in our hearts. Whether it's about the growing tensions around religious and cultural identity, the challenges of maintaining a truly secular democracy, or the ongoing struggle for social justice, these voices remind us that the fight for freedom is never truly over.

Independence is not just a historical achievement but a living, breathing reality that must be nurtured and protected every day. As we listen to these everyday reflections, let us remember that the spirit of independence is sustained by our collective commitment to equality, justice, and unity.

Watch the video and join us in reflecting on the true meaning of independence in today’s India. Let's continue to ask ourselves: What does freedom mean to us, and how can we ensure that it remains intact for future generations?


Voices of Love: Dayaram


Bangladesh Update and a Note of Caution