MOOD India: Voices from Ayodhya

Insights from the people of Ayodhya on the need to balance Spiritual Vs. Worldly needs

In the aftermath of the recent elections, our team at Hindus for Human Rights embarked on a journey to Ayodhya to capture the pulse of the people, who had rejected the BJP. Known for its profound religious significance and as a political stronghold for Modi, Ayodhya offers a unique lens through which to understand the surprising election results. Our interviews in the neighborhoods around the new Ram temple provided enlightening perspectives on the priorities and sentiments of local residents. Here, we share insights from a local Mahant who serves at a small temple near the grand new Ram temple - inaugurated with so much controversy earlier this year. In sharing his thoughts on the recent election outcomes, he highlighted Ayodhya's long-standing spiritual significance and noted that while the temple's construction brought a sense of pride and spiritual fulfillment, it did not address the pressing needs of the community.

The Mahant emphasized that the local population's support for the current government had waned because people are increasingly concerned about everyday issues. There is a critical need for better healthcare, education, and employment opportunities. The Mahant's reflections highlight that reverence for tradition is not enough; tangible improvements in daily life and city infrastructure are essential.

If anyone wondered why Modi went to Kanyakumari and Shah went to Tirupati immediately after the elections, instead of making a media appearance at their campaign icon, the Ram Temple in Ayodhya, perhaps the answer is that they knew how unhappy ordinary people in Ayodhya were.


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MOOD India: Voices from Ayodhya