Statement from Hindus for Human Rights on the death of Jaahnavi Kandula

We at Hindus for Human Rights are deeply distressed and saddened by the tragic death of Jaahnavi Kandula, a young woman with dreams, aspirations, and a promising future. We condemn in the strongest terms the callous remarks made in the aftermath of her tragic passing, which only amplify the grief of a family that has lost a cherished member.

Every life holds immeasurable value, and no individual or institution has the right to belittle the worth of a human being. Jaahnavi's dedication to her education, her aspiration to uplift her family, and her connection to her roots in Adoni, Andhra Pradesh, speak to the strength and courage of a young woman committed to forging a brighter future for herself and her loved ones.

The derogatory comments made by Daniel Auderer are a grave reminder that our work towards promoting understanding, compassion, and justice is far from over. It is deeply concerning when those entrusted with the responsibility to protect and serve our communities display such a lack of empathy and sensitivity.  They also illuminate a broader issue. The collective grief and rage expressed by the Indian and South Asian communities speak to a universal sentiment: we must advocate fiercely for the respect and dignity of every individual, regardless of their background. No one, from any community, should be subjected to such casual hate and indifference.

We extend our deepest condolences to Jaahnavi's family, especially her mother. As we advocate fiercely for the respect and dignity of every individual, we must also challenge and transform the systemic issues that perpetuate such attitudes. Together, our unified stance against such prejudice can be the catalyst for meaningful political and social change.

We remember Jaahnavi Kandula not just as a statistic or a name in a tragic news story, but as a young, vibrant soul, a dedicated student, a loving daughter, and the heartbeat of her family. Her loss reminds us just how much every moment, and every person, truly matters.

Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.


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